Corporate Media
Bioeconomy in Germany
22. February 2023/by s.dingJournals and Books, References
Medical Technology Back on Track
14. January 2023/by a.mertensJournals and Books, References
24th Guide to German Biotech Companies
19. October 2022/by u.mommertEvents, References
INDUSTRIA BIOTEC: New showcase of biotechnology
12. October 2022/by u.mommertEU-Project Communication, News, References
BE-Rural Comes to an Eventful and Successful End
1. August 2022/by u.mommertJournals and Books, References
BioTechnologie Kursbuch No. 35
21. June 2022/by a.mertensVideos
Accelerate your SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 research
19. March 2021/by u.mommertJournals and Books, Journals and Books
Guide to German Biotech Companies
30. October 2019/by u.mommertEvents
Berlin Conference: Novel Antimicrobials and AMR Diagnostics
30. March 2019/by u.mommertEvents
European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy (EFIB)
6. November 2018/by u.mommertVideos
ENABLE video explanation
5. November 2018/by u.mommertVideos
Video documentary: CATCHY
2. November 2018/by u.mommertCorporate Media
GTAI Directories
1. November 2018/by u.mommertCorporate Media
Life Science Nord Magazine
31. October 2018/by u.mommertEU Project Communication, Videos
PharmaSea: Medicine from the ocean
30. October 2018/by u.mommertStatistics
The Austrian Life Science Sector
26. October 2018/by u.mommertStatistics
The biotechnology sector in figures
26. October 2018/by u.mommertEU Project Communication
OPTIBIOCAT: Innovative cosmetics production
26. October 2018/by u.mommertEvents, Events
Bioeconomy Exhibition at BiotechWeek 2018
1. October 2018/by u.mommertEU Project Communication
ENABLE: On the hunt for microbes
30. September 2018/by u.mommertNetworks and Offices
Office of the Bioeconomy Council
1. September 2018/by u.mommertVideos
Video Series: Explaining Medical Technology
30. August 2018/by u.mommertEU Project Communication
BioSTEP: Focus on Bioeconomy
2. August 2018/by u.mommertInformation platforms, Videos
Video series: The World of Bioeconomy
1. August 2018/by u.mommertCorporate Media
30. July 2018/by u.mommertInformation platforms
Medical Technology Communication
2. July 2018/by u.mommertEvents, Networks and Offices
2. Global Bioeconomy Summit
20. May 2018/by u.mommertNetworks and Offices, Videos
GBS 2018: Live stream and video documentation
15. May 2018/by u.mommertEvents
Swiss Biotech Day 2018 in Basel
3. May 2018/by u.mommertInformation platforms
Information platform Bioeconomy
2. May 2018/by u.mommertJournals and Books
European Biotechnology Magazine
7. March 2018/by u.mommertJournals and Books
Biotechnology Journal |transkript
7. March 2018/by u.mommertNetworks and Offices
ENABLE office
2. February 2018/by u.mommertVideos
Image video Implandata: Eyemate
22. October 2017/by u.mommertNetworks and Offices