BioTechnologie Kursbuch No. 35

Berlin, 21 June 2022 – All indicators in the German biotechnology sector are pointing steeply upwards. After decades of rather slow growth, things are finally picking up speed. This is confirmed by the latest OECD-compliant industry data. However, Europe is still in crisis mode: since February of this year, war has been raging, not far from Germany. The “turn of the era” proclaimed by the Chancellor turns out to be a smokescreen: nothing changes, and the population is pacified with government-funded compensatory payments. Yet, a transformation at all levels is more urgent than ever.

Now, the crisis triggered by the war could have been a perfect opportunity to catalyse the biological transformation of industry. Instead, the focus remains on dancing around the golden calf, which merely gets an electric motor. The younger generation sees things very differently and is ready to forge new paths—this is one of the key themes in the 35th edition of the BioTechnologie Kursbuch, which has just been released.

The BioTechnologie Jahr- und Adressbuch and its sister publication from the early 2000s, the Kursbuch Biopolitik, have now evolved into the BioTechnologie Kursbuch. The focus here is not on an annual review (although the OECD-compliant statistics remain), but rather on the discourse—biopolitical and biotechnological issues that need to be discussed beyond the inner circle of the industry.

A Glimpse at the Table of Contents (Excerpt):

  • Science on the Field!
  • Digital Transformation in Patient Data
  • Interview with Christof von Kalle
  • Digital Data – Germany Is Catching Up
  • – Too Late or Just In Time?
  • Biological Hydrogen: The Green Up-and-Comer
  • Christian Patermann: Bioeconomy Today – Fit for the Future?
  • Jan Grossarth: Bioeconomy – A Bridge to Peace?
  • No Clarity on Bioplastics

The BioTechnologie KursbuchNo. 35, edited by Andreas Mietzsch, is now available for purchase at local bookstores and online (ISSN: 0938-9342, ISBN: 978-3-928383-84-4).