Events, Information Platforms, Videos
Bioeconomy career paths: inspiration for young talent
12. December 2024/by u.mommertEU-Project Communication
AMR Accelerator Urges Investment in Antibiotic Development
8. December 2024/by u.mommertJournals and Books
European Biotechnology Magazine Winter 2024
5. December 2024/by a.mertensJournals and Books
Hot off the press: |transkript 4/2024
28. October 2024/by a.mertensJournals and Books
26th Guide to German Biotech Companies
27. October 2024/by a.mertensJournals and Books
European Biotechnology Magazine Autumn 2024
26. September 2024/by a.mertensJournals and Books
Hot off the press: |transkript 3/2024
22. August 2024/by a.mertensJournals and Books
BioTechnologie Kursbuch Nr. 37
21. June 2024/by a.mertensJournals and Books
European Biotechnology Magazine Summer 2024
3. June 2024/by a.mertensEU-Project Communication
AMR Accelerator partners celebrate completed projects
18. April 2024/by u.mommertJournals and Books
Fresh off the press: |transkript 2/2024
4. April 2024/by a.mertensJournals and Books
European Biotechnology Magazine Spring 2024
7. March 2024/by a.mertensJournals and Books
14th Edition of the European Biotech Guide Published
5. March 2024/by a.mertensJournals and Books
Just Published: |transkript 1/2024
8. February 2024/by a.mertensInformation Platforms
Dossier: Enzymes Explained
22. January 2024/by a.mertensEU-Project Communication
Enabling regional bioeconomy across Europe
18. December 2023/by u.mommertJournals and Books
European Biotechnology Magazine Winter 2023
6. December 2023/by a.mertensEU-Project Communication
AMR: Partnership set to improve in vivo antibiotics testing
14. November 2023/by u.mommertJournals and Books
|transkript 4/2023 is here!
7. November 2023/by a.mertensJournals and Books
25th Guide to German Biotech Companies
23. October 2023/by a.mertensJournals and Books
European Biotechnology Magazine Autumn 2023
27. September 2023/by u.mommertJournals and Books
|transkript 3/2023 ist da!
31. August 2023/by a.mertensInformation Platforms, Videos
Biopioneers: The Algae Farmer
31. July 2023/by u.mommertEU-Project Communication
ETHNA System comes to a close
24. July 2023/by u.mommertJournals and Books
BioTechnologie Kursbuch Nr. 36
7. July 2023/by u.mommertStatistics
Study on Biotechnology in Bavaria 2022
12. May 2023/by a.mertensEU-Project Communication
Putting AMR Accelerator Science on the agenda
8. May 2023/by u.mommertJournals and Books
|transkript 2/2023 is here!
27. April 2023/by a.mertensJournals and Books
European Biotechnology Magazine Spring 2023
16. March 2023/by a.mertensCorporate Media
LSN Magazine 2023: Ecosystem builders
24. February 2023/by u.mommertJournals and Books
The first |transkript of 2023 is here!
21. February 2023/by a.mertensEU-Project Communication
Toolkit for the bioeconomy
24. January 2023/by u.mommertJournals and Books, References
Medical Technology Back on Track
14. January 2023/by a.mertensEU-Project Communication
Capacity Building Training: How to communicate bioeconomy?
19. December 2022/by u.mommertJournals and Books
|transkript in its 28th year
17. December 2022/by a.mertensInformation Platforms
Advent Calendar of the Bioeconomy
9. December 2022/by u.mommertInformation Platforms, Videos
Bio Pioneers: The Biotech Scout
5. December 2022/by a.mertensEU-Project Communication, Events, Videos
Transition2bio: Bio-based Späti
2. December 2022/by u.mommertJournals and Books
European Biotechnology Magazine 4/2022
1. December 2022/by Maren KührJournals and Books