BIOCOM Work References

The “Export Initiative Healthcare Industry”, managed by Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI), aims to present the services of German companies in the fields of pharmaceuticals and medical technology to international interested parties. BIOCOM has produced numerous brochures for this purpose, which are distributed at trade fairs worldwide. The topics ranged from contract research and contract production to bioinformatics and overall presentations of medical biotechnology, medical technology and much more.

Das Life Science Nord Magazin vor einer Küste mit Leuchtturm

Three times a year, the magazine reports on current developments, technologies and people in the Life Sciences in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.

The EU PharmaSea project was dedicated to research into the development and commercialisation of new substances from marine organisms. Its main objective was to collect samples from some of the hottest, deepest and coldest places in the world.

Der Report "

What is Austria’s standing in the life sciences sector? For the first time in three years, the biotech sector in Austria was thoroughly analysed. The results are summarised in the report “Life Science Report Austria 2018”.

Ein Screenshot des Online Biotech Reports 2018

Since 2005, we have had our finger on the pulse of the German biotechnology sector. Based on OECD criteria, we collect data and facts and summarise them in the report “The German Biotechnology Sector”.

Junge Frau, die in einem Kosmetikgeschäft vor einem Regal steht

The four-year project OPTIBIOCAT focuses on the development of environmentally friendly processes in the cosmetics industry. The aim is to use enzymes to produce active ingredients for cosmetics in a few reaction steps in a more sustainable and cost-effective way.

What can biotechnology contribute to achieving the United Nations’ sustainable development goals? The BIOCOM exhibition “Bioeconomics in Everyday Life” at BiotechWeek 2018 provided answers.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a major threat to public health. Infections caused by resistant bacteria are on the rise, confronting Europe with rising costs for both life and public health. Despite the strong demand for new antimicrobial agents, very few new effective antibiotics have been launched on the market in recent decades.

Within the scope of our office activities, we assume the operative tasks of the German Bioeconomy Council, an advisory body of the Federal Government. The main function of the office is the continuous support of the committee in all administrative, organizational and technical matters.

On behalf of the German Medical Technology Association (BVMed), BIOCOM’s video experts design and develop explanatory films on a wide range of medical technology topics.