Infektionen durch Antibiotika-resistente Bakterien sind ein ernsthaftes, weltweit zunehmendes Problem. ENABLE – ein europäisches Entwicklungsprojekt gegen Gram negative Bakterien fördert die Erforschung potenzieller Antibiotika-Wirkstoffe.

Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria are a serious problem that is increasing worldwide. ENABLE – a European development project against Gram negative bacteria promotes research into potential antibiotic agents.

Eine Forscherin nimmt auf einem Versuchsfeld Bodenproben.

The soil research project CATCHY investigates the influence of catch crops on arable farming. Mustard, clover, lupin – which plants and fruit mixtures best benefit soil fertility and why? What role does the microbiome play and how does it change?

The EU PharmaSea project was dedicated to research into the development and commercialisation of new substances from marine organisms. Its main objective was to collect samples from some of the hottest, deepest and coldest places in the world.

On behalf of the German Medical Technology Association (BVMed), BIOCOM’s video experts design and develop explanatory films on a wide range of medical technology topics.

On bioö, our diverse films portray the bioeconomy and bring science to life.

Our event video and livestream made it possible: Even those who could not travel to Berlin had the opportunity to experience the Global Bioeconomy Summit 2018 up close.

A video produced by BIOCOM explains how the implantable, biocompatible microsensor for telemetric intraocular pressure measurement from the medical technology company Implandata works.