The EU PharmaSea project was dedicated to research into the development and commercialisation of new substances from marine organisms. Its main objective was to collect samples from some of the hottest, deepest and coldest places in the world.

Junge Frau, die in einem Kosmetikgeschäft vor einem Regal steht

The four-year project OPTIBIOCAT focuses on the development of environmentally friendly processes in the cosmetics industry. The aim is to use enzymes to produce active ingredients for cosmetics in a few reaction steps in a more sustainable and cost-effective way.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a major threat to public health. Infections caused by resistant bacteria are on the rise, confronting Europe with rising costs for both life and public health. Despite the strong demand for new antimicrobial agents, very few new effective antibiotics have been launched on the market in recent decades.

Bioeconomy holds potential solutions for important future challenges. However, the social, economic and environmental impacts associated with its products and processes require extensive dialogue processes on the future development of the bioeconomy. The main objective of the EU-funded BioSTEP project is to promote a public dialogue on the goals of the bioeconomy and the necessary steps towards a sustainable economy and lifestyle.