Partners from all over the EU have joined forces to develop a framework that will help European research institutions to implement ethics in their research. BIOCOM is responsible for the work package “Communication and dissemination”. 

Die fünfte Ausgabe des Guides to German Medtech Companies gibt einen Überblick über die deutsche Medizintechnik-Branche und zeichnet ein Bild, das so vielfältig ist wie die dargestellten Unternehmen.

The European Biotechnology Network is giving a leg up for biotech companies that want to help themselves by launching three very different projects aimed at pushing the bioeconomy forward.

The 21st edition of the Guide to German Biotech Companies has been published. Almost 120 companies from the vibrant biotech sector present themselves in the English-language yearbook.

The Guide to German Biotech Companies was first introduced to the market a good 19 years ago. The Guide to German Biotech Companies was intended to be an international calling card for the young biotech industry in Germany.

Sie möchten in einem unserer Medien werben? Jetzt steht die neuste Version der Mediendaten zur Verfügung.

Biotech stock markets have declined significantly in 2019. This is the result of the most recent capital market report of BIOCOM that was published in October.