New EU project Transition2BIO

Brussels, 03/03/2021 – BIOCOM is part of the new EU project Transition2BIO, a two-year project funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 umbrella. The project aims to support the transition to a bioeconomy for a more sustainable future through communication, education and public engagement. Transition2BIO will build on key EU-funded projects and initiatives in the field of communication and education to move closer to the implementation of the updated 2018 EU Bioeconomy Strategy and promote the transition to a more sustainable Europe.

Under the project, BIOCOM is responsible for the creation of targeted stakeholder toolkits as part of Work Package 1 “Creation of awareness, communication and education toolkits” and the implementation of “Hands on Labs” for children in many countries across Europe as part of Work Package 2 “Awareness and public engagement activities”. The toolkits will produce a package of knowledge and supporting media (infographics, videos, podcasts, presentations, etc.) tailored to different audiences to promote the bioeconomy from different angles and with different objectives. The Kids Labs will help raise awareness and understanding of the bioeconomy through interactive and fun activities.

The project is coordinated by the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE) and the following partners – FVA New Media Research, the Center for Social Innovation (ZSI), LOBA, PEDAL Consulting, Q-PLAN, and the University of Bologna are involved.